Category Archives: News

Isle of Man – Victoria Pier Scour protection works

During Quarter 1 2019 Ridgeway filled and delivered 365 x 2t Filter Unit Rockbags for phase 2 of the scour protection installation campaign on Douglas Port, Isle of Man. Ridgeway were contracted by the installation contractor to fill and deliver all 2t units to Douglas Harbour. Working with their client, Ridgeway delivered the units to […]

Perimeter protection fencing supplied for Northforshore film studios

Ridgefence Securifor® 358

Here at Ridgeway we were delighted to be selected as the preferred supplier for a high security perimeter protection system at the new North Foreshore Film Studios in Giants Park Belfast. The project involved the installation of approximately 1KM of 2400mm Ridgefence Securifor 358™ high security fencing system, along with single and double leaf manually […]

Eco-friendly Walls and Boundaries

Weldmesh Concertainer Gabions

Ridgeway supply a range of gabion systems which are used to provide economical and effective solutions to prevent or correct erosion. Installation can be temporary or permanent. Our Gabions can also be used to create walls and retaining structures where a rustic, natural aesthetic is required. We have many different gabion options for you to […]

Ridgeway’s Filter Units supplied for Rampion Offshore Wind Farm project

Since August 2016 Ridgeway has been supplying their patented filter unit Rockbag system for cable end support and cable protection during the construction of the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm project, which is owned by E.ON, UK Green Investment Bank and Enbridge. Ridgeway have been working closely with the Rampion construction team and their offshore installation […]

Spectacular Combisafe Views Over Belfast


Ridgeway were delighted to be involved in a recent Combisafe project at a high profile building in the riverside development area in Belfast.We enjoyed some great views of the Belfast waterfront in combisafe safety, including Titanic Belfast, The SSE Arena, Belfast and Belfast Harbour Marina on this site visit. The Combisafe edge protection has been […]

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